Bojo’s Words: The Lotus

For you, remember the lotus:

I wanted to show you the flower that I see. I cannot even hold it. It is what I see of you.

It sprung from the water. Deep from the depths of the mud, it rose and tipped the edge of the water and still it tried to touch the sky. And I said, “it’s simply beautiful.”

But you couldn’t see it. It was as if there were storm clouds in your eyes.

There it was opened and free, breathing in all of the sun.

It had planted itself deep in the mud at the very bottom, consuming it but not becoming it. Weaving here and there. It didn’t hold the hardships or the joys that it was given: the many burdens, the tears and the laughter, but still it sought the opened air, passed the suffering of all that came, past/present, and comes, taken like a leaf that holds the bubble drop. No carving of the shape did it give as it struggled and climbed. It rose through the muddy water, not rotting, but remaining true to all that it is.

The truth of itself, and there it appeared before me, toppling the water, opening the sky, and I could do nothing but take in all that it is and say…

It is the most beautiful person that I have ever seen, and that person is you.


Bojo’s Words: The Moment

There was once a restaurant. It was the very best in town.

Two different people walked in it.

One person loved everything about it. The food, the service, the atmosphere and even the paintings on the wall were all perfect. Everything filled his eyes with delight, and he was very happy.

Another person hated everything about it. Everything, even the clothing that the waitress wore was completely unacceptable.

What was so different about the restaurant? Why did one person see the restaurant one way and the other person saw it completely differently?

Maybe one person wants to be there and the other person is only thinking where he would rather be.

Be where you are at any given moment. Dance right where you are…enjoy.